Nine Marks of a Healthy Church By Mark Dever – Marks 6 & 7 Reflection:
When you look at the life of Jesus, what do you learn about discipleship?
Everything we have on the life of Jesus points to discipleship. Even at age 12, he was found teaching in the temple (Luke 2:41-52). His entire ministry was aimed at teaching and raising disciples. He didn’t hold back when it came to confronting and correcting both those that followed Him (Matthew 16:23) and those who didn’t (Matthew 23:29-31). He was an example as He served His disciples (John 13:1-17), and as He submitted to the will of the Father (Matthew 26:36-46, John 6:28). He did all of this because of love (John 3:16, 15:9-17). And He called those that followed Him to do the same (Matthew 28:16-20).
Discipleship, as seen through the life of Jesus, is hyper-focused. It is intentional. Discipleship doesn’t hold back. It’s not afraid to serve and submit. Discipleship is motivated by love.
What does discipleship require?
Christ above all else (Luke 14:26)
Love (John 13:34-35)
Worldly rejection (John 15:18-19)
Daily sacrifice of self (Luke 9:23)
Servitude (Matthew 23:11 )
Obedience (John 8:31-32)
Holiness (1 Peter 1:15-16)
What did you learn about church leadership from the apostles in the book of Acts?
They recognized the need to fill the spot left empty by Judas. In doing so, they prayed and relied on the holy spirit As they cast lots to make the final decision (Acts 1:12-26).
They endured suffering for the sake of the Gospel. What might the church have become if they had shrunk back (Acts 5:17-4)?
They addressed the needs of the flock among them (Acts 6:1-7).
They made disciples (Acts 8:26:40).
They did not allow tradition to contradict the Holy Spirit or hinder the Gospel message (Acts 10:9-48, 15:1-21).
The Gospel and building of the church were more important to them than their safety and comfort (Acts 16:25-40, 21:8-14).
Despite their circumstances, they remained focused on Christ (Acts 26:12-32).
Read 1 Timothy 3:1-13, are you disqualified for church leadership?
I don’t believe so.
I’ve served previously as a ministry team leader at Gateway. Although, I’m not entirely sure that is the same type of leadership we are discussing here. Regardless, church leadership is something that would interest me in the future, after the seasons of life slow down a bit.