But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. (Mt. 6:33)

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. ( 1 Cor. 10:31)


I wanted to take a quick moment to write a welcome message for anyone who hasn’t stumbled upon this site before. If for no other reason than to provide some background information behind precisely what this site is for and why I am creating it.

A few years ago, while in college, a woman from my church, an English teacher, assisted me with my writing assignments by proofreading them. At one point, she told me I was a “good writer.” My thought at that time was that she was a bad lier. Fast forward a bit, and I had a mentor challenge me to sit down and write out my testimony. He instructed me to write what life was like before Christ, what happened to bring me to Christ, and what life has been like since coming to Christ. So I sent him my written testimony and the next time we met he too told me I was a good writer. I thought he was crazy as well. I can’t say I’ve ever really enjoyed writing, and I’ve certainly never thought I was any good at it. Nonetheless, here we are.

I think it was these two encounters that began to stir in me this idea of creating a website and writing for the Kingdom. You see, I’ve had a heart for evangelism for some time now, and it has only increased over the years. But the problem I face is that, while I feel I have a lot to say, I often have difficulty speaking it. The thoughts are in my head, but when it comes time to put them to words, I struggle to get them out. The difficulty only increases when you throw strangers in the mix.

While this idea of writing for the Kingdom began to stir in me about two or three years ago, I pushed it down, at least a couple times. But here recently it has popped up again. After spending some time in prayer and asking God if this is from Him, or if it is from me, I cannot say I received a definitive yes. But I also haven’t gotten a definite no. So rather than pushing it down, again, I have decided to pursue it and see where God takes it.

In my current season of life, I am walking through a ministry called 23 Ministry, which requires a good deal of reading, teaching, and reflecting, in addition to field exercises and practicing spiritual disciplines. In other words, it keeps me pretty busy. So, for the time being, this site will be used as a sort of an online journal. I will be submitting all of my 23 Ministry assignments here as well as anything extra I can squeeze in. At any rate, this should provide for a steady stream of weekly content for at least the next 16 months. At which point, we’ll have to see where God is leading.

And with that, I give you hiskingdomhisglory.com. Thanks for visiting. If you enjoy the content, please be sure to leave a comment, and don’t forget to invite your friends.

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Last modified on: March 21, 2020 - Original date of publication: January 20, 2020

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Amber Rumpel

    I am very excited to read and study your writings….even though you called me a liar within the first few sentences of your intro. 🙂

    1. His Kingdom His Glory

      Haha! I love you Amber!!! Thank you!!!

  2. William Middleton

    Praise God Shawn!

    1. His Kingdom His Glory

      Thanks Bill!!!

  3. Mom

    Some may call me biased but this is awesome!! So proud of the man you have become!

    1. His Kingdom His Glory

      Thanks Mom. Love you.

  4. Tracey

    I’m excited to read your content over the coming months. I struggle with hearing from god and with prayer. I’m a true believer but I did not grow up in the church so i find my relationship with god a struggle.

    1. His Kingdom His Glory

      I’m so glad you are here with us Tracey. I too still struggle wit prayer. So believe me when I tell you that you are not alone. Some advise I once received that was helpful was to “just keep praying”, don’t ever stop. That and Romans 8:26 ~”Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.” ~ God knows what you need and He knows what is in your heart. So just keep praying.

  5. Sunshyne

    Good for you Shawn! I can relate to the writing rather than public speaking. God is amazing!

    1. His Kingdom His Glory

      Thanks Sunshyne.

  6. Janna Alkire

    This is great, Shawn. I admire your perseverance and look forward to reading more.

    1. His Kingdom His Glory

      Thanks Janna

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